9:00 a.m. - Sunday School
10:00 a.m. - Worship (Contemporary Music on most Second Sundays)
12:30 p.m. - Christ for All Nations
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306

Bethany Servant Schedule

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone." – 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Bethany helps us grow in our faith whenever we receive the Word and Sacrament together in worship. We are growing in our service to God and to each other when we offer up time and talents to help in worship services.

In addition to participating in the music programs at Bethany, there are many ways to serve in worship.

LAY MINISTERS – are the main servants who set up the worship area and coordinate the other volunteers who are serving.

LAY LITURGISTS – assist the Pastor in leading the worship service.

USHERS – greet worshipers, distribute bulletins, receive the offering, and guide any special movements during the service, such as worshipers going to and from Holy Communion.

READERS – read one or two Scripture lessons for the service.

ACOLYTES – light the candles before and extinguish them after the service and assist with the offering.

CRUCIFERS – carry the processional cross for festival services.

We also have occasional need for someone to lead a CHILDREN’S SERMON, which is a 'mini-sermon' for children about the Scripture lessons or the church season.

In addition, Bethany has an active ALTAR GUILD,whose members assist with changing the altar paraments  (pieces of fabric that adorn the Communion table, with colors changing according to the seasons of the church year), setting up for Communion, and preparing for Baptisms.

If you are interested in volunteering your time and talent as a worship servant, but you would like more information about what we do, please contact the Pastor (pastor@bethany-lcms.org). If this is your first time as a worship servant, you will need to spend some time (about one hour) training before you begin! The training for Lay Ministers or Lay Liturgists may take up to three hours.

View Servant Schedule for August-September 2024    


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Bethany Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Virginia
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306
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