9:00 a.m. - Sunday School
10:00 a.m. - Worship (Contemporary Music on most Second Sundays)
12:30 p.m. - Christ for All Nations
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 2, 2018

Before we begin the first leg of our spiritual growth series, how do we get ready? On Labor Day weekend, the assigned Epistle reading is Ephesians 6 where Paul teaches us how to put on the whole armor of God. Get ready to INVITE everyone to grow with Bethany Lutheran this fall as we put on our armor and sing, "Onward, then, ye faithful, Join our happy throng. Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song...Onward Christian soldiers..."!


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Bethany Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Virginia
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306
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